Check out the quick tutorial video down below.  Step-by-step instructions on how to track leads.

“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance
is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.” by Thomas S. Monson

Are you making this mistake?

Are you spending money on banner ads or solo ads or Facebook ads?
Are you running multiple campaigns at once?
Are you posting YouTube videos for traffic to your lead pages?
Are you writing great content with a solid call to action and a link to your capture page?

Those aren’t the mistakes.

But not be able to track where your leads and customers are coming from is.

It’s like driving with a blindfold on.  If you’re pouring all of your energy into getting your marketing out there without tracking the results.

How to Track Your Leads

Step 1:  Create your free lead capture page like I showed you here.

Step 2:  Link to that squeeze page from other pages in your blog, from other lead sources like YouTube videos or other ads.

When you create the link, add a “/?UniqueIdentifier” on the end.  So it might look like this:

Where /?h2trackleads is the unique identifier that tells me where the person came from.  You don’t have to go crazy, just make it unique enough so that it will make since 6 months from now.

If the URL already has a ? on it like my Empower Network (you might run into this if you have a replicated page from your mlm company) URL like:

So add a &h2trackleads (the & and everything after it gets ignored as part of the URL)

Now when a person clicks on the link (even if presented with anchors text) they are taken to the capture page and we see that modified URL in the address field.

Step 3:  Now, if you set up your list in Aweber like I showed you here, you will get emails when you get a new lead.  You can quickly glance through the emails to see where the leads are coming from.

Check out this screenshot.  I entered my own email address and my notification email looked like this:

Tracking Leads

You can see where the lead originated in the highlighted area.

Or you can open up Aweber and actually sort the data by time frame like the last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days.

Hint: if you aren’t really diligent about checking the ranking of your posts or videos in Google, you will know something is up (or down) when the number of optins from a particular asset changes over a period of time.

Check out this quick video that show how to track your leads.

Still not convinced to take action…

4 Ginormous Reasons to Track Your Leads

  1. Confirm:  Some lead sources provide a guarantee on the number of leads they will provide or a percentage of leads from the number of clicks that you purchase.  How will you know if they actually delivered?  Yep, tracking.
  2. Test: Online marketing is all about digging your own well.  We create many test wells until we find the ones that produce the results that we are looking for.  How will you be able to tell which one of the tests is performing better than the rest?  Yep, tracking.
  3. Scale Up: Based on positive performance, you will want to scale up.  How will you know which campaigns to scale up?  How will you know which blog posts or videos are performing well?  You guessed it, tracking.
  4. Corrective Action:  So there is one solid reason left.  Stop doing the things that aren’t giving you the results that you want.  Really, these are activities or campaigns that just are just sucking you dry and preventing you from having the the successful hat you are capable of.  Stop it. Just. Stop. It.  Or tweak it so that it works.

It’s time to take of the Pull-ups and put on the big girl panties.

Start running this like a real business and start tracking the results.

“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance
is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.” by Thomas Monson

To find out more of my secrets, watch this video...

Let’s get this thing on track,

Niquelle Wright